I have watched people on youtube including Zoe, Alfie, Joe,Tanya, etc. for a long time and too meet them after them being such an inspiration to me to start my blog in the first place was so overwhelming.
So on Tuesday 11th I got a text from my friend who also watched Alfie saying that she wanted to go and if I wanted to come and I was not going to say no! I got home from dancing and we both sat on the phone too each other trying our best to get tickets to meet him we must have sat for about half an hour both on the website and failing to get any response from it, so we put the phone down and carried on trying. I rung her again about 15 minutes later and she said she ha got one ticket! but then she would have to go on her own and she really did not want that so we carried on to try for another 15 minutes, and eventually we got one, we must have got the last two or something like that. But I was so happy to get them! I had already got the book as pre-ordered it but I didn't mind re-buying it.
We got up at 7 too set off to Manchester United stadium for half 8. When we got there we must have been in the first 20 which I was so shocked about but we still had to wait till 11 where we would find out what was happening, which we found out that it was inside.We got inside and realised we where going to be in the first group that we would be his vlog when he came out at 12!! The atmosphere in the room whilst we waited was amazing everyone was so happy and nice. We did make friends with two girls in front of us too haha. You can actually see my arm holding my camera on his vlog when he came out.
I am so happy to say I met Alfie Deyes, Pointless Blog, on the 16th of November 2014, at 13 minutes past 12.
Then it was Zoe the week after and I was so shocked that we actually got tickets as I later found out with in a hour and half of them going on sale they were sold out in Manchester. This one was on a school night however so I has less time to get ready and we knew we were not going to be at the front. But we got there at half 5 and the queue looked small and we got through the first outside queue in 15 minutes, and then onto inside where we got our book and wristband, then up the stairs where we queue'd again for 1 hour ,so all together we didn't really queue that long I expected to queue for so much longer. unfortunately we weren't allowed to have a picture, I think this was because it did only start at 5 and not 12 like Alfie's did, but we did speak for a bit longer and it was a fantastic start.
This is the only picture that any good that I got but also very happy and lucky to say on Thursday 27th of November I met Zoe Sugg, Zoella.
Thankyou for taking you time to read this
and well done Zoe and Alfie on your books there both
amazing, who has got them?
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'the girl in the blue dress'